Heart's Melody
Time: 2:42
Music by:
Production Time: Jan 2008- April 2008
Producer: Mayshing
# of Labor: Mayshing + 2 Members
Tools Used: Paper and pencil, photoshop, after effects
Ramblings: It's my own childhood story tale for my make believe native american tribe in 2Masters. How a tribe of people end up living on the mountain top with giant eagles. It is my first finished animation on paper and probably last. The animation final product is slightly rougher than I wanted, but as for now, I am leaving it the way it is. After this process I learned what a hassle paper is while I work on animation. The cleaning work required in paper animation is a pure time eater. The wonderful song track is provided by Agua Clara, a South American music group in NYC underground music. This was an intense film to make due to the short time I had to make it, along with other projects I had to do for school.