We’re always in need of translators!
We currently have 4 translators for Edepth Angel: Chinese, German, French, and Spanish.
We have 2 translators for 2Masters: Chinese and French.
If you are able to translate in any language we don’t already have you’re more than welcome to help us!
Reward: Full color digital commission/wallpaper/cover by Mayshing after 100 pages of translation work. If you did not reach the 100 pages, a sketch commission will be offered instead before you leave the job.
Here are the instructions:
Download either Edepth Angel or 2Masters that you want to translate.
The file will be the trial run, contains 10 pages of the original English, and 10 cleaned pages (text removed).
This is the format: http://altabe.deviantart.com/gallery/24723931#/d36q5rm
(Be sure to read the description)
If you don’t have photoshop, gimp also works just fine. Just include the text in a .doc file.
Update Schedule: 10 jpg files & 1 PSD file or doc file, due the 25th (more or less) of each month.
My job as the Editor is to make sure all the text is in the right place and the format is correct. I will also send out email reminders for your pages. If there are any problems with making future monthly deadlines, we request that you email me to keep us updated. That’s all we ask since we know everyone has their own personal things in life.
Note for Edepth Angel: For page 2 you only need to add credit to the page in the blank area: the translator (you) and creator (Christine Chong) in the language being translated. My email is listed in the file format on DA.