E-Depth Angel

Genre: (Color) Sci-Fi, Mecha, Romance, Comedy
Production Time: 2004 – 2013 (Hiatus)
Pages: 800+
Tools Used: Color Pencils, Copic Markers, Digital
Languages: English, French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Malay


Synopsis: In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love. Her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.

Ramblings: It was original a story to work on my weaknesses and experiment with sci-fi and mech. It became a story that exposes more of my weaknesses, and then it became a story where I overcome my weaknesses in skill sets, emotional weaknesses, and my storytelling. It will remain my learning series forever. A big thank you to those who have been loving and supporting this series all the way!